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Free Silent Partner Agreement Forms

A silent partner refers to an individual or entity that invests money in a business without being involved in the day-to-day operations. In exchange for their financial support, they receive a percentage of the profits. A silent partner agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of this arrangement. However, creating a silent partner agreement from scratch can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are many free silent partner agreement forms available online.

Why do I need a silent partner agreement form?

A silent partner agreement is a crucial document for any business that is considering taking on a silent partner. It sets out the terms of the agreement, including the percentage of ownership, profit-sharing, and how the partnership will be dissolved. It also outlines the responsibilities of the silent partner, including whether they have any voting rights or input into the management of the business.

Without a silent partner agreement in place, misunderstandings can occur, and disputes may arise. By having a legally binding document that both parties agree to, it ensures that everyone is on the same page.

What should a silent partner agreement form include?

A comprehensive silent partner agreement form should include the following sections:

1. Identification of the parties involved – This section includes the names and contact information of the business and the silent partner.

2. Percentage of ownership – This section outlines how much of the business the silent partner owns, and how much they will contribute financially.

3. Distribution of profits and losses – This section outlines how profits will be distributed, and who is responsible for losses.

4. Management rights – This section determines the extent to which the silent partner may be involved in the day-to-day operations of the business.

5. Termination – This section outlines the conditions under which the partnership can be terminated.

6. Confidentiality – This section outlines the confidential information that must be protected by both parties.

Where can I find free silent partner agreement forms?

There are many websites where you can find free silent partner agreement forms. Some of the best include:

1. Rocket Lawyer – This website offers a free silent partner agreement form that can be customized to suit your needs.

2. LawDepot – This website offers a free silent partner agreement form that is easy to use and can be tailored to your requirements.

3. PandaDoc – This website offers a free silent partner agreement template that can be customized and edited to meet your needs.


Taking on a silent partner can be a great way to inject capital into your business and share the risks and rewards of ownership. However, it is important to have a clear and legally binding agreement in place to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Fortunately, there are many free silent partner agreement forms available online that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. By using one of these forms, you can rest assured that your agreement is comprehensive and protects the interests of both parties.

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