Seqirus Enterprise Agreement

Seqirus Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

Seqirus is a leading international company that focuses on developing and manufacturing influenza vaccines. The company is dedicated to protecting public health through the development of innovative vaccines that help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Recently, Seqirus announced a new enterprise agreement that will impact its operations and employees. If you are a Seqirus employee or interested in the company`s operations, here`s what you need to know about the Seqirus Enterprise Agreement.

What is the Seqirus Enterprise Agreement?

The Seqirus Enterprise Agreement is a legally binding agreement between Seqirus and its employees that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. It covers a range of areas, including pay rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and workplace health and safety. The new agreement is the result of negotiations between Seqirus and the employees` representatives and replaces the previous enterprise agreement.

What are the key changes in the new agreement?

The new Seqirus Enterprise Agreement includes several key changes that will impact employees` working conditions and benefits. Some of the significant changes are:

• Wage increases: The new agreement provides for a 2.5% pay increase per year over the three-year agreement term.

• No loss of conditions: The new agreement ensures that existing employees will not suffer any losses to their current working conditions.

• Improved leave provisions: The agreement provides new provisions for personal leave, including compassionate leave and family and domestic violence leave.

• Training and development: The new agreement includes provisions for training and development opportunities for employees, which aim to improve their skills and advance their careers.

• Improved job security: The agreement includes a commitment from Seqirus to limit the use of casual and fixed-term employment.

What does it mean for Seqirus employees?

The new Seqirus Enterprise Agreement provides certainty and security for employees, particularly in the current economic climate. The wage increases and improved leave provisions will benefit employees and help to maintain their living standards. The agreement`s commitment to job security will also help employees to feel more secure in their employment.

What does it mean for Seqirus as a company?

The new Seqirus Enterprise Agreement demonstrates Seqirus`s commitment to its employees and their well-being. The agreement`s provisions for training and development will help to develop a skilled workforce that can keep pace with the fast-changing industry. The commitment to job security will help to retain experienced employees and maintain business continuity.


The Seqirus Enterprise Agreement is an essential agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for the company`s employees. The new agreement provides significant improvements in wages, leave provisions, training, and job security. If you are a Seqirus employee, you can feel more secure in your employment, knowing that the company has made a commitment to your well-being. For Seqirus as a company, the new agreement helps to maintain a skilled and experienced workforce and ensure business continuity.