Test On Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

In this case, the Noun is singular (roof), so that the pronoun is singular. Robin was supported by Tracy. She`s a good cook. The passive voice can be used to place a new one in a clause closer to the pronoun. Each one is always unique, so has a singular pronoun. It is not him or her, because they are used as an object. It must be him or her. The precursor is not (no boys) and it is not always singular, so it has a singular pronodem. It is his (not her) because it concerns only men. After the first mention of a Nostunes, a pronoun is often used to refer a second time to the Nominus. The nomin is called the precursor of pronotation. The precursor means “before.” A pronoun refers to a nostun of the same sex.

The reference is easy to understand when there is only one nostun. Several is always plural, so we can use the general pronoun of plural. No one can be singular or plural depending on the name in the prepositional sentence (the pilot). As it is plural (pilot), the pronoun is the plural (possessive). In this pronoun agreement quiz, you are tested on certain types of words, English learners find it very difficult, and often make mistakes with. Here are some of the words: a pronoun refers to a nostun of the same sex. However, if there are two personal names of the same sex, it refers to the next nomen. Putting the pronoun in front of the namein to which it refers is like “giving the cart in front of the horse.” Not mentioning the name at all forces the other person to guess what you are talking about. Someone is the forerunner and is always treated as a singular, so he needs the singular pronoune. As no sex is known, we use it.

Noun (forerunner) Pronoun Because of the boy`s hunger, he was allowed to eat early. Some (like all, most, many, and none) may be singular or plural, depending on the noun in the preposition sentence (children). In this case, the children are plural, so the pronoun is plural. It is also the possessive pronoun, that is, the mothers of children. Everyone is the forerunner, and it`s always unique, so you need a singular pronodem. We use her or her as a male or female is not specified. Forerunners – a word that comes before and is represented by another word after it. .

She refers to Tracy (the next no bite of the female sex). The first is the theme and is unique. And its regarding a male (uncle) it`s his.