The Association Agreement Between The Eu And Turkey

Relations between the European Union (EU) and Turkey were established in 1959 and the institutional framework was formalized by the Ankara Agreement of 1963. Turkey is one of the EU`s main partners in the Middle East and both are members of the EU-Turkey customs union. Turkey borders two EU member states: Bulgaria and Greece. To learn more about the 54th session of the EU-Turkey Association Council, Brussels, 15 March 2019 The Council is made up of representatives of the Turkish government, the European Council and the European Commission. It is essential to the organisation and direction of relations between Turkey and the EU. The aim is to implement the Association Agreement in political, economic and commercial matters. The Association Council meets twice a year at the ministerial level. The Council makes decisions unanimously. Turkey and the EU each have one voice.

The Member States of the Community and Turkey undertake to authorise payments or transfers related to the movement of goods, services or capital, as well as transfers of capital or profits, in the currency of the country where the creditor or beneficiary resides, as well as transfers of capital or profits, as long as the movements of capital and people between them have been liberalised under this agreement. On 18 March 2016, the EU concluded a migration agreement with Turkey, which aims to allow refugees to enter the EU. As part of the agreement, Turkey has agreed to take back migrants entering Greece and send legal refugees to the EU. In exchange, the EU agreed to grant Turkey six billion euros and grant Turkish citizens visa-free travel by the end of June 2016 if Turkey meets 72 conditions. [69] In March 2016, the EU published a report that Turkey was meeting 35 of the 72 free visa requirements across Europe. [70] By May 2016, this figure had risen to 65 out of 72. [71] The Joint Advisory Committee (JCC) was established on 16 November 1995 in accordance with Article 25 of the Ankara Agreement. The Community`s objective is to promote dialogue and cooperation between the economic and social actors of the European Community and Turkey and to facilitate the institutionalisation of the partners of this dialogue in Turkey.