Marketing Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

Start your NDA by defining the „parts“ of the agreement. The „disclosing party“ is the natural or legal person who shares information, while the „receiving party“ is the natural or legal person who receives information. Depending on the nature of the transaction, the relationship and the information provided, each NDA ends up being different. There are additional clauses that you can include in your own confidentiality agreement: to be enforceable, you must clearly define what confidential information is. You can`t just provide confidential information without defining it. That would leave the treaty open to interpretation. Anyone sharing confidential information could then say that they did not know it was confidential information. A good way to do this is to define all the points considered confidential within the framework of the agreement. You should indicate that customer information, marketing tactics, internal metrics, and anything else you want to protect should be considered confidential. The more you specify what confidential information is, the more secure your information is. PandaTip: In the paragraph above, indicate a brief description of the relationship – z.B. „The disclosed party will support the receiving party in an X way“.

Often, instead of having established a business relationship, „you enter into a business relationship“ how often you enter into a confidentiality agreement before creating a business relationship. EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY: Nothing on this website constitutes legal or accounting advice. It may be in writing or by oral communication, which may relate to a patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret. However, the information contained in this Agreement, which is declared confidential or constituted by the disclosed Party, whether such information was provided before or after the date of this Agreement, shall not be limited to the following: how long does the obligation of confidentiality last? the model contract proposes three alternative approaches: an indefinite period that ends when the information is no longer a trade secret; a fixed period; or a combination of both….