Limited Scope Retainer Agreement Ontario

A limited scope retainer agreement (LSRA) is a type of legal agreement in Ontario that allows lawyers to provide legal services to their clients on a limited basis. This means that the lawyer can provide specific legal services for a set fee, without being retained for the entire legal matter.

This type of agreement is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows clients to obtain legal services at a reduced cost while still receiving expert advice and assistance from a lawyer. It also allows lawyers to provide legal services to clients who may not be able to afford full representation.

In Ontario, LSRA’s are governed by the Law Society of Ontario’s Rules of Professional Conduct. These rules specify that lawyers must provide clients with a written retainer agreement that outlines the scope of the legal services being provided, the fee charged, and any limitations on the lawyer’s services.

The LSRA must also contain a clear description of the services being provided, including any limitations on those services. This may include limitations on the number of hours the lawyer will work on the case, the types of legal services that will be provided, or any other restrictions that the lawyer and client agree upon.

One of the most significant benefits of an LSRA is that it allows clients to obtain legal services at a reduced cost. This is because they are only paying for the specific legal services they need, rather than the full representation of a lawyer.

Another benefit is that LSRA’s can be customized to fit the specific needs of the client. This means that clients can choose which legal services they need and which they don’t, allowing them to tailor their legal representation to their unique situation.

Finally, an LSRA can provide clients with peace of mind, knowing that they have access to legal expertise and advice when they need it most. This can be especially important for individuals and small businesses who may not have the resources to retain a lawyer for the entire duration of a legal matter.

In conclusion, a limited scope retainer agreement is an increasingly popular way for clients to obtain legal services at a reduced cost, while still receiving expertise from a lawyer. It’s important for clients to understand the limitations of an LSRA and to work with a lawyer who is experienced in this type of agreement.