Bma Update to the Gp Contract Agreement

The British Medical Association (BMA) has recently announced an update to the GP contract agreement regarding changes to the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and vaccination program.

The QOF, which measures the quality of care provided by general practitioners, will undergo some revision in the coming year. Specifically, there will be changes to the indicators for blood pressure management, mental health, and diabetes. Additionally, the maximum number of points available for the QOF will be reduced from 559 to 547.

The vaccination program will also see some changes. The flu vaccine will now be offered to all school-aged children, from reception to year 7, and the meningitis ACWY vaccine will be offered to pupils in school year 9. Furthermore, the HPV vaccination program will be extended to include boys aged 12-13, in addition to the current offering for girls.

These changes have been made following negotiations between the BMA and NHS England. It is hoped that the revisions will improve the quality of care provided by GPs and lead to better health outcomes for patients.

It is important for GPs to stay informed about these changes, as they will affect their work and the care they provide to patients. By keeping up to date with the latest developments, GPs can ensure that they are providing high-quality care that meets the needs of their patients and adheres to the requirements of the contract agreement.

In conclusion, the BMA update to the GP contract agreement is an important development that will impact GPs across the country. By staying informed about these changes and adapting their practice accordingly, GPs can continue to provide the best possible care to their patients and ensure that they are meeting the requirements of their contract.