Cps Union Agreement

CPS Union Agreement: What you Need to Know

The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is one of the largest school districts in the United States, serving over 361,000 students in 642 schools. With such a large district, it is no surprise that CPS has a union agreement in place to protect the interests of teachers and staff members.

The current CPS union agreement, also known as the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), is effective from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2024. Let`s take a closer look at the key provisions of this agreement.

Salary and Benefits

One of the most significant components of the CPS union agreement is the salaries and benefits section. Under the agreement, teachers and staff members receive a base salary increase of 16% over the five-year term of the contract. This increase includes a 3% raise in each of the first three years, followed by a 3.5% raise in the fourth year, and finally a 3.5% raise in the fifth year.

In addition to salary increases, the CPS union agreement provides employees with various benefits, including health insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance. The employer pays for the majority of these benefits, with employees contributing a small percentage of the total cost.

Working Conditions

Another important aspect of the CPS union agreement is the working conditions section. This section outlines various rules and regulations for teachers and staff members, including class sizes, preparation time, and professional development opportunities.

Under the current agreement, CPS must reduce class sizes in high-poverty schools and provide teachers with at least 120 minutes of uninterrupted prep time each week. Additionally, the district must give teachers 10 paid days each year for professional development.

Discipline and Grievances

The CPS union agreement also includes a discipline and grievances section. This section outlines the procedures for addressing disciplinary matters and resolving disputes between employees and the district.

According to the agreement, any disciplinary action must be based on just cause, and employees have the right to a hearing before any disciplinary action is taken. Additionally, employees have the right to file grievances related to any violation of the agreement, and the district must attempt to resolve these grievances through a formal process.


Overall, the CPS union agreement is a crucial document for teachers and staff members who work in the district. It provides these individuals with salary increases, benefits, and working conditions that are fair and reasonable. Additionally, the agreement outlines the procedures for addressing disciplinary matters and resolving disputes, ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably.

As CPS continues to educate the next generation of students in Chicago, the union agreement will remain an essential component of ensuring that teachers and staff members are supported and valued as they work to provide students with the best possible education.