#208 - Gemeinsam schmutzige Wäsche waschen

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Lasst uns zusammen waschen! Gemeinsames Wäsche waschen brachte schon immer die Menschen zusammen. Sei es nun gemeinsam am Fluss oder im Waschsalon. Dieses Gemeinschaftsgefühl könnte durch temporäre öffentliche „Wäschereien“ und Waschtage im Park wieder aufleben. Das gemeinschaftliche Waschen soll die Interaktion  von Anwohnerinnen und Anwohnern fördern und kann zu einem lokalen Event werden.

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let’s wash and hang up our laundry!
The laundry room is an area for washing clothes. It has satisfied everyday needs throughout history, going from a manual system in which people wash clothes in public spaces to an automated one, first isolated inside the house and then in the laundromats. This change has modified relationships between human beings during the process of washing.
In laundromats, people have to wait, so they have time to meditate, to read and to get to know each other.
In Hamburg, there are many frequently used spaces open to the public, and in neighbourhoods of the Park, there is a real demand for this type of service, and in general, a “domestic” place for local people.
Our proposal is to bring temporary open laundries in the Park, where people come together to wash and hang up their clothes, which are the unique expression of themselves.
It is expected that these open laundries mean a positive opportunity for interaction between neighbours, and it can be an „anchor activity“ in local events.
