Pronouns And Antecedent Agreement

If you perform this module in your own time, you have completed the learning unit to avoid problems with pronouns – precursor agreement. To understand the conformity of precursor pronouns, one must first understand pronouns. A reference pronoun corresponds to his antecedent personnel name. ** Perhaps you would like to look at the staff pronoun diagram to see which speakers correspond to which predecessors. 3. The names of plural groups, which mean two or more groups, adopt plural reference pronouns. If one of these indeterminate pronouns is used to refer to something that can be counted, then the pronoun is usually plural. 1. If two or more noun singular precursors are joined by and joined, they form a plural precursor.

(1 + 1 = 2) 3. However, the beginnings of subsequent indeterminate pronouns can be either singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence. 1. As precursors, the indeterminate pronouns below always accept a singular pronoun speaker. Look at them carefully. Below are the staff names. They are quoted personally because they normally refer to people (except for things). To define the different types of pronouns and their roles in a single sentence, click HERE. However, the following guidelines can help us determine which reference pronoun corresponds to these noun antecedents. It might be useful to compare the forms of whom with the forms of the pronouns him and them. Their forms are similar: Think about these three important points about pronoun-precursor concordance, if a group element is the precursor: False Ex: Psychologists should carefully check their patients` records before making a diagnosis.

(The pronouns them and you both refer to psychologists, the name we are talking about, which requires that they both be third-person pronouns.) Undetermined pronouns as precursors also pose a particular problem. If the two noun antecedents are connected by and in the plural, then the reference pronoun is also plural. C. A singular precursor followed by a plural precursor Another step in the correct use of pronouns is to recognize the precursor of a pronoun which is the noun or pronoun to which a pronoun refers and to ensure that the pronoun and precursor correspond in number, person, sex and human condition. In order to clarify the concordance between the pronouns of demants, the pronoun must follow relatively soon after the precursor, and no other potential precursor should be between the precursor and the pronoun. The indeterminate pronouns anyone, anybody, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, and nobody are always singularly. This is sometimes confusing for authors who feel that everyone (in particular) is referring to more than one person. The same goes for both and neither, which are always singular, when they seem to be about two things. Bad example: a teacher should always write comments about his graded tasks.

(This example is false because it assumes that teachers are men.) Bad example: a teacher should always write comments about his graded tasks. (This example is wrong because the attempted correction created a problem of over-conforming numbers – the teacher is singular and there is plural.) Ex revised: A professor should always write comments on his rated functions.. . . .