Sequence Agreement Deutsch

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Sequence Agreement Deutsch: Understanding the Grammar Rule

In the German language, there is a critical grammar rule that all learners must master to communicate effectively in writing and speaking. This rule is called “sequence agreement” or “concordance of tenses” in English.

What is Sequence Agreement?

Sequence Agreement (Satzbau) in the German language refers to the correct alignment of verb tenses and modal verbs in a sentence or clause. In simple terms, it means that the tense used in the main clause of a sentence should be followed by the same tense or an appropriate tense in the subordinate clause.

The purpose of this rule is to ensure clarity, coherence, and logical flow of information in a sentence. Violating this rule can lead to misinterpretation of the intended meaning and errors in communication.

How to Apply Sequence Agreement in German Grammar

To apply sequence agreement in German grammar, you need to understand the different types of clauses that exist in the German language.

1. Main Clause

The main clause (Hauptsatz) is a sentence that expresses the main idea or action of a sentence. It can stand alone, or it can be accompanied by one or more subordinate clauses.

Example: Ich gehe zum Supermarkt. (I am going to the supermarket.)

2. Subordinate Clause

A subordinate clause (Nebensatz) is a clause that cannot stand alone but depends on the main clause for its meaning. It is usually introduced by a subordinating conjunction (dass, wenn, obwohl, weil, etc.) or a relative pronoun (der, die, das, etc.).

Example: Ich gehe zum Supermarkt, weil ich Milch kaufen muss. (I am going to the supermarket because I need to buy milk.)

To apply sequence agreement, the verb tense used in the main clause must be consistent with the verb tense used in the subordinate clause. If the main clause is in the present tense, the subordinate clause must also be in the present tense.

Example: Ich gehe zum Supermarkt, weil ich Milch kaufe. (I am going to the supermarket because I am buying milk.)

If the main clause is in the past tense, the subordinate clause must also be in the past tense.

Example: Ich ging zum Supermarkt, weil ich Milch kaufte. (I went to the supermarket because I bought milk.)

If the main clause is in the future tense, the subordinate clause must also be in the future tense.

Example: Ich werde zum Supermarkt gehen, weil ich Milch kaufen werde. (I will go to the supermarket because I will buy milk.)

Exceptions to Sequence Agreement in German Grammar

There are some situations where sequence agreement may not apply in German grammar. These include:

1. Historical Present

The historical present is a narrative technique where the present tense is used to describe past events. In this case, the subordinate clause can be in the past tense.

Example: Ich gehe zum Supermarkt, als ich einen alten Freund treffe. (I am going to the supermarket when I meet an old friend.)

2. Indirect Speech

In indirect speech, the tense used in the subordinate clause depends on the tense used in the main clause.

Example: Er sagt, dass er zum Supermarkt geht. (He says that he is going to the supermarket.)


Mastering sequence agreement in German grammar is an essential part of effective communication in writing and speaking. By understanding the different types of clauses and how to apply sequence agreement, you can improve your German language skills and avoid common errors in grammar.