This Supplemental Agreement Is Entered into Pursuant to Authority of

As a professional, I understand the importance of using clear and concise language when writing web content. One phrase that may come up in legal documents or contracts is “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of.” While this phrase may be common in legal jargon, it can be confusing for the average reader. In this article, we will break down what this phrase means and offer tips on how to rewrite it for better readability and SEO.

What does “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” mean?

When you see the phrase “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of,” it means that the agreement is being signed because the parties involved have the legal power or authority to do so. In other words, the agreement is being executed because the people signing it have the right to do so under the law.

Why is “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” confusing?

For people who do not work in legal professions, the phrase “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” can be hard to understand. The words “entered into” and “pursuant” are not commonly used in everyday language, and the phrase as a whole can seem overly formal or complicated.

How can you rewrite “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” for better readability and SEO?

If you want to make your legal documents or contracts more accessible to a wider audience, it`s a good idea to avoid using overly complicated language and jargon. Here are some tips for rewriting “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” for better readability and SEO:

1. Start with a simple statement of purpose. Instead of beginning with the phrase “this supplemental agreement is entered into,” start with a clear statement of what the agreement is for. For example, “This agreement supplements the original contract signed on [date].”

2. Use simpler words. Instead of “pursuant to,” try using a simpler phrase like “in accordance with” or “under the authority of.”

3. Break up longer sentences. If you have a long sentence that includes multiple clauses and phrases, break it up into smaller sentences that are easier to read and understand. Shorter sentences are also better for SEO, as they help improve readability and engagement.

4. Use plain language. Avoid using technical jargon or complicated legal terms that may confuse your readers. Instead, use plain language that is easy to understand.

Here`s an example of how you could rewrite “this supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of” for better readability and SEO:

Original: This supplemental agreement is entered into pursuant to authority of the parties involved in the original contract.

Rewritten: This agreement supplements the original contract signed on [date], and is being signed in accordance with the legal authority of the parties involved.

By using simpler language and breaking up longer sentences, you can make legal documents and contracts more accessible to a wider audience. This can not only help improve readability and engagement with your content, but also improve your website`s SEO by making it more user-friendly and accessible.