Co Branding Agreement Example

B. Co-Branded Services are offered to Customers and made available to Customers who have agreed to be bound by the terms set forth in PCT Patent Co.`s Custom Service Agreement, as set forth in attached List B (the “Service Agreement”), the Service Agreement provides the terms of use of the Co-Branded Service by Customers. The main points to include and clarify when developing a professional co-branding agreement are: 11. RIGHTS AFTER THE EXPIRATION or termination of this Agreement, each party: (i) shall immediately cease trading in all goods owned by it that bear the other party`s trademarks; (ii) to cease, as soon as possible, all use of the marks of the other party; (iii) agree not to use a trademark that is confusing to that of the other party; and (iv) the other party to return in its possession the other party`s marketing materials and materials or to destroy such materials and certify their destruction to the other party. B.PCT Patent Co. hereby represents and warrants International Lawyer Co. that it is the owner of the Co-Branded Service and its components or has the right to sell, license and market the Co-Branded Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, without violating or violating any laws, rules, rules, laws, laws, U.S. or foreign copyrights, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights of third parties, and that the granting of rights under this Agreement to International Lawyer Co. does not violate any agreement or constitute a delay in which PCT Patent Co. is involved, nor the performance of International Lawyer Co., in accordance with the terms of the International Lawyer Co. Agreement, is subject to the responsibility of such agreement. 13. WARRANTIES AND WARRANTIES A.

The Parties represent and warrant that: (i) they have the right, power and authority to execute, deliver and enforce this Agreement and all agreements and documents they have executed (the “Subsidiary Documents”); (ii) the conclusion and performance of this Agreement and the subsidiary documents are not subject to the approval or approval of third parties or governmental authorities; and (iii) there is no dispute, equitable or equitable remedy, administrative remedy or proceeding, claim or administrative investigation currently under way or threatened against it or any of its related enterprises, which would affect or affect their ability to fulfil their obligations under any particular enterprise. CONSIDERING that PCT Patent Co. and International Lawyer Co. to enter into a commercialization agreement providing for the development and commercialization of a co-branding version of PCT Patent Co.`s services. intended for operation by clients of International Lawyer Co. (the “Clients”); G. The Parties shall make every right to ensure that only employees and third parties whose duties require them to know such confidential information of the other Party have access to it. All such persons and entities are required to treat them as copyrighted and confidential, and the receiving party shall take such other measures to protect the confidentiality of such confidential information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each party shall require any third party to whom it transmits confidential information to sign a confidentiality agreement applicable by the other party, the latter agreeing to be bound by the confidentiality rules set out therein. . . .