Cpo Indemnity Agreement

Both agreements are documents currently in use and the search for and consultation of these documents should therefore be a simple exercise and should not exceed the legal deadline for responding to a request for information. I would like to point out that only the deadlines and fees set by the relevant legislation cover only the search, extraction and extraction of information as part of the calculation costs and that the time required for the application of exceptions and blackening should not be taken into account. If the AMF believes that exceptions should be applied, I could request that they apply only to sensitive information, as required by law. Given the nature of the request, it may be possible for the Council to consider granting the following derogations: 2. Provide a copy of the CPO`s indemnification agreement between Haringey Borough Council and Grainger Seven Sisters Ltd, signed on January 23, 2015 (including any subsequent amendments to this agreement). Your email address will not be published. The mandatory fields are marked with * Given the nature of this request, which concerns the use of buildings and a considerable land area, I expect the Council to give serious thought to whether this request should be dealt with under the EIR and not in the FOI, and explain the reasons for your choice. In addition to my previous answer, I would like to refer you to the OIC guidelines on compliance ico.org.uk/media/1165/time-for-c currently. I note that in your confirmation of my question of February 20, you said that you would answer before March 20. Please provide me with a copy of the conditional agreement (and subsequent variations) signed on 7 August 2007 between London Borough of Haringey, Grainger Seven Sisters Ltd and Northumberland and Durham Property Trust? Please also let me know about the CPO Costs Indemnity Agreement between Haringey Borough Council and Grainger Seven Sisters Ltd, which was signed on 23 January 2015 (including any subsequent amendments) Thank you for your prompt response.

I understand that if you are processing this request under the FOI, you may request an additional 20 business days to complete the public interest test.. . . .