Uiowa Data Use Agreement

If you are a researcher or student at the University of Iowa (UIowa) who requires access to sensitive data, you must first sign a data use agreement (DUA). The DUA is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions of using the data, as well as your responsibilities and obligations as a user. In this article, we will outline the UIowa DUA and why it is important for protecting both you and the data you are accessing.

What is a Data Use Agreement?

A data use agreement is a contract between a data provider and a data user that outlines the terms and conditions of using sensitive data. A DUA is essential for protecting both the data provider and the data user. A DUA specifies the types of data that will be accessed, how the data will be used, and how it will be protected.

Why is a Data Use Agreement Important?

A DUA is important because it helps to ensure that sensitive data is used appropriately and that the privacy of individuals is protected. It outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both the data provider and the data user, ensuring that each party is aware of their roles and duties. A DUA also helps to clarify any ambiguities or misunderstandings regarding the use of sensitive data.

UIowa Data Use Agreement

The UIowa DUA is designed to protect the privacy of individuals and the confidentiality of sensitive data. Before accessing sensitive data, users must first sign the UIowa DUA. The DUA requires users to adhere to specific guidelines for accessing and using sensitive data, including:

1. Restrictions on data use: The UIowa DUA prohibits data users from using sensitive data for any purpose other than that specified in the agreement. Users must also agree not to disclose or share the data with unauthorized parties.

2. Data security: The DUA requires users to adhere to strict data security protocols to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive data. This includes using secure methods for data storage, transfer, and access.

3. Legal compliance: Users must agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the use of sensitive data. This includes laws related to privacy, confidentiality, and security.

4. Data retention: The UIowa DUA specifies that sensitive data must be retained only for as long as necessary, and users must follow specific procedures for data destruction when the data is no longer needed.


Data use agreements are an essential tool for protecting sensitive data and ensuring that privacy and confidentiality are maintained. The UIowa DUA outlines specific guidelines for accessing and using sensitive data, including restrictions on data use, data security protocols, legal compliance, and data retention. By adhering to these guidelines and signing the DUA, users can ensure that they are using sensitive data appropriately and protecting the privacy of individuals.