Toad End User License Agreement

However, the ELA remains limited at all times. The agreement provides only an unlimited right to make available a limited number of Quest programs and is limited to legal entities and/or subsidiaries majority-owned at the time of the start of the contract. Although many end-user organizations enter into an ELA to remedy a non-compliance situation, such an ELA does require an end-user to implement software management and software asset management processes. In addition to the doctrine of implied exhaustion, the distributor may include patent licenses with software. LEGAL AGREEMENT: Given the fee you paid for the software, you accept (the individual or legal person for whom the software is received, designated as the „licensee“) the terms of that CLA to the licensee and agree to be related to it. I very much appreciate your help with my request and thank you for submitting the „Toad for Oracle“ license file. RESTRICTIONS: The licence granted in this C.A.C.A. is reserved for use by the original licensee and its staff (if applicable). The licensee cannot rent, sublicens, transfer or lease all or part of the software to third parties, whether they are paid or not. The licensee may not surrender this CLA or the certificate issued without the donor`s prior written consent, which may be issued or retained at the sole discretion of the licensee. The licensee cannot modify, modify, redevelop, recompil, decompilize, decompile, decompil or debugge or create works or versions derived from the software.

The licensee must not copy the attached media. The licensee may install the software only for the intended use and an additional computer called a disaster recovery computer, provided that the dissalfed computer does not have simultaneous access to the software while using the operating computer. The licensee can keep the attached support as a physical backup. End-user licensing agreements are usually lengthy and written in very specific legal language, making it more difficult for the average user to give informed consent. [3] When the company designs the end-user licensing agreement in such a way as to deliberately deter users from reading it and is difficult to understand, many users may not give their informed consent. Some licenses[5] claim to prohibit users from disclosing data on the performance of the software, but this has yet to be challenged in court. LICENCE TO UTILISER: This AOUT grants the user the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Software only as shown here on this point. If the software is allowed to be used on the PC, the licensee can use that copy simultaneously on one (1) PC, and this PC can only be used by one (1) person at a time. If the software is allowed to be used on the licensee`s intranet, the licensee can use that copy of the software on his intranet.

To convert your unlimited availability rights at the end of the ELA to indeterminate quantity-based licenses, you must submit a report to Quest within 30 days of the ELA expiry.